Please read Greyhound’s terms and conditions policies before making your booking.
Your Greyhound bus passes are also subject to East Coast Tours' terms, conditions and cancellation policies upon booking. Please familiarise yourself with these before booking and boarding your bus.
COVID-19 disruption policy for Whimit Travel
You have 12 months validity to commence travel from the original purchase date of your Whimit pass.
If your travel has commenced but then halted due to COVID-19-related travel restrictions you are able to pause and unpause your pass to save the unused portion of your travel days.
- Pause commencement will be initiated from day of contact to Greyhound Australia and cannot be back-dated.
- Reactivation will be initiated from day of contact to Greyhound and cannot be forward dated.
- Reactivation will entitle you to use the unused days of travel that were available on your pass at the time of initial contact to pause your pass.
- You are able to pause your pass for a maximum of 3 months.
- If your pass has been paused for 3 months it will automatically be reactivated and usage at this time and be valid for the unused days of travel that were available at the initial contact of pausing.