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The school year is about to come to an end in Australia, which means it's almost Schoolies season! Here's everything you need to know about the high school graduate party!
Join Annemarie, our digital nomad van-lifer, on her lessons learnt from the road with this ultimate Aussie do's and don't for travelling and working in a campervan!
Enhance your trip to Australia with a bit of research and preparation! Here are the top 10 mistakes backpackers make in Australia, and how to avoid them.
Discover how Annemarie did digital nomad van life in tropical North Queensland with tips on the best campsites, work-life balance, and hidden gems in Cairns!
Figure out the best ways to celebrate Halloween in Australia! From hostels, to local bars, to throwing a house party with your friends, get into the spirit!
With long weekends and public holidays happening year-round in multiple states, here are some ideas for what to do with your extra time off in Australia!
Need to get your taxes from your working holiday job sorted? Here's everything you need to know about claiming tax back in Australia before this year's deadline.
Enhance your trip to Australia with these delectable local treats! Here are the top 10 must-try foods in Australia, as well as 3 recommended drinks to try.
Planning an epic road trip between Sydney and Melbourne in Australia? Here are the best places to stop along the way for those doing the scenic coastal route!
A road trip from Sydney to Cairns is one of the most popular ways to see Australia's East Coast. Here's everything you need to know about this once-in-a-lifetime journey.